The Club Officers’ Kit was mailed to governors-elect in November and is also available at The kit includes the following manuals:


Club President’s Manual (222)*

Club Secretary’s Manual (229)*

Club Treasurer’s Manual (220)

Club Administration Committee Manual (226A)

Club Membership Committee Manual (226B)

Club Public Relations Committee Manual (226C)

Club Service Projects Committee Manual ( 226D)

Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual (226E)



2011-2012 Future Vision Edition of the Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual (226E-FV) for clubs in the Future Vision pilot.

Each manual guides the respective club leader while they are in office. The manuals describe the role and responsibilities for each position and provide relevant resources that will be helpful throughout the year.


The manuals in the kit include:

Discussion questions and all worksheets to be used at district assembly

Around the World sidebars that highlight cultural differences in Rotary clubs

Rotary Reminder sidebars that point out important tips 

Other noteworthy sections in the manuals, include:


Sample club committee structure – a new appendix in the Club President’s Manual that shows options for committee and subcommittee structures depending on the size of the club

Installation of club officers – a new appendix in the Club President’s Manual that provides an example of an installation ceremony

Club image – a new section in the Club Membership Committee Manual that covers the importance of the club’s image

Service projects checklist – a new worksheet in Club Service Projects Committee Manual that walks you through planning a service project

Future Vision addendums – available for the Club President’s Manual and Club Rotary Foundation Committee Manual.

*The Club President’s Manual and Club Secretary’s Manual each include an addendum on the inside cover with policy changes from the 2010 Council on Legislation and decisions from the RI Board and the Foundation Trustees. 



