International Service Committee
International Service

Medina Sunrise Rotary Club
International Service
Rotary is a world organization, and as such, our commitment to service extends beyond our club and community.
Our club has a tradition of hosting foreign exchange students in our homes, along with sponsoring American students to other countries around the world. The Group Study Exchange program enables young business and professional persons to experience other cultures and, in turn, for those from other lands to experience ours.
To our club, International Service is home to such programs as our Exchange Students, the Rotary International Foundation, The Paul Harris Fellow Award, Polio Plus, the Group Study Exchange Program, and our support of the Roteract Club in Ecuador. These programs are supported through our weekly "dollars" and more importantly through our birthday donations to Rotary International.
Medina Sunrise Rotary has a relationship with the Rotaract Club in Ecuador. This club is led by a former exchange student to Medina (Andres Bello). Below is a link to that club's site. The Rotaract Club of Porto Viejo is very active and has successfully completed many projects for the children in that community.
See their exciting story
Remember our motto - "Service Above Self."
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