Medina Sunrise Rotarians cheered on my friend and two-time "Grand Slam Home Run Hitter - CJ," and the Angels & Jodway Cardinals' Teams of Miracle League Baseball, Tuesday evening at the fully handicapped-accessible Sam Masi Park in Medina.


Medina is one of 240+ Miracle League Baseball organizations in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada serving over 200,000 children and young adults with disabilities.  By the second season in Medina, a new type of field was developed just for the Miracle League athletes, named Sam Masi Park and sponsored by GPD Group, Jodway Heating & Cooling, Medina Sunrise Rotary, the LIONS and numerous other generous donors.

Sam Masi Park has a custom-designed field and  a new Medina Sunrise Rotary broadcast booth. The special baseball field is equipped with a cushioned, rubberized surface to help prevent injuries and to facilitate the use of wheelchairs, walkers, and the special needs of the amazing Baseball Players who rush out to play on it each week.

Kenny Richardson -- Miracle League President, stated that the Miracle League believes, “Every Child Deserves a Chance to Play The Great American Pastime -- Baseball"!

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Miracle League Baseball Players & Medina Sunrise Rotarians
CJ (Grand Slam Homerun Hitter, Angels Team) & "Homer" (Miracle League Baseball Mascot)
CJ & the Huntington Bank Ice Cream Treat Truck