One Team. One Goal. One America!
As we get ready to close out April the team of volunteers continues to grow. Members of the National Guard, State Highway Patrol, Medina County Sheriff’s Department, and the community are continuing to show their drive to take care of others. Over 1,300 bags of food were filled and set to distribute to the students of Medina. Great job Medina! “One Team. One Goal. One America” #ohioansservingohioans #whyweserve #COVID19OhioReady #Ohio #COVID19 #fooddistribution #foodbanks #nationalguard #iguardohio, #goguard, #inthistogetherohio #ohioarmynationalguard, #echocorsp #echocorsp_oharng, #whyweserve #FeedingMedinaCounty, #CriminalJusticeMCCC, #CJMCCC, #MCCC, #medinaproud