Santa Claus visited Feeding Medina County's Free Food Distribution at the Medina FairgroundsThursday morning, spreading Christmas cheer to all. Executive Director Janet Newcomer thanked the Medina County Sheriff, Medina County Veterans Service Office, the National Guard, CERT, Kiwanis, Rotary, Sandridge Foods, Westfield, FMC workers and all the faithful volunteers whose support throughout the year has enabled Feeding Medina County to help so many families in our community.
In Medina County, food insecurity affects almost 16% of the total population, with child food insecurity as high as 22.5%. The vision of Feeding Medina County is to be the resource to fight hunger and food insecurity across Medina County. Working together, we can make a difference. Visit our website and learn about ways to get involved: www.feedingmedinacounty.org.